How To Make Cold Brew Coffee

Brewing your own cold brew coffee at home can be a fun experience and something that anyone can do once they understand the process. Cold brew has become increasingly popular in coffee circles due to its distinctive taste profile and refreshing benefits. With just a few simple steps, you can make delicious cold brew coffee, right in the comfort of your own home.

Cold brew coffee with ice and milk , trendy refreshing drink


If you're feeling adventurous and want to delve into the world of cold brew coffee, here's what you'll need: 

  • A large container with a lid 
  • Coffee grinder 
  • Filter 
  • Filtered Water 
  • Good quality coffee beans

The first step is to choose the right type of coffee bean that will produce the quality of cold brew you desire. The great thing about cold brew is that it works with any type of coffee, from light to dark roast. Ground coffee beans are generally the best choice for cold brew, but you can also use whole beans or coarsely ground beans if you prefer.

Once you have your beans, you'll need to begin the brewing process. Brewing cold brew is all about the ratio of coffee grounds to water, which is usually 1 part coffee to 4 parts water. This ratio will result in a smooth and balanced cold brew. However it will depend on the intensity of the flavour you are after. It's important to use filtered or bottled water as tap water can contain minerals that may affect the flavour profile of your cold brew.


Now that we've got the basics covered, you're ready to pick the perfect coffee beans for your cold brew. There is no right or wrong answer as to which type of coffee should be used; it all comes down to personal preference. That said, many people believe that medium-roast coffee beans bring out the best flavour in cold brew coffee. However, if you want a stronger flavour, you can go with dark roast beans, or if you prefer a lighter flavour, light roast beans are the way to go.

It's also important to remember that the quality of the bean will greatly affect the final product. Generally speaking, when it comes to cold brew, higher quality ingredients will yield better tasting coffee. So, if you're looking to get the best results, look for specialty or organic beans and grind them fresh.


Many people confuse cold brew with cold drip, but there is a distinct difference between the two. Cold brew is made by steeping ground coffee beans in room temperature water for several hours, while cold drip is made by slowly dripping cold water over coffee grounds. Both methods produce delicious coffee, but the process and the resulting flavour profiles are different.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned coffee aficionado, making cold brew at home is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. With the simple tools, ingredients, and preferred ratio, you can easily make delicious cold brew coffee anytime you please.

Choose from any of our delicious locally roasted coffees, or for those coffee lovers looking for a high-quality, on-the-go option why not try Craft Cold Brew - a premium cold brew brand crafted by Margaret River Roasting Co. from single-origin coffee beans. Find it here.